The leaves have fallen, the constant rain and wind is causing annoyance, the cold nights and mornings are nearing and the puddles just keep getting bigger. People begin to rush indoors, shops are having to stock up on tissues every day, the cattle go indoors and the day's are short. The spades comes out as diggers across the world march towards a new line. Bikes come home from rides less dusty and more muddy. Downhiller's xc or all mountain bikes come out to an unpleasant surprise of mud, bleak sky's and rain.
My list could go on all day about mountain biking and winter, but if we're all so passionate about mountain biking then we should forget the weather, forget slow awkward rides and get into the open so we don't get beaten by another Winter. It can be fun(ny) at times, you've just got to remember that there will be a summer and Winter isn't all doom and gloom. Last year we had weeks of dry weather to the end of Winter, this was perfect for us, but we still complained.
And if there is snow, well don't go as far as getting snow tires, get on a sledge and ride trails.